
Saturday, 31 March 2018

Warhammer quest more cards completed.

I have now wrapped up the Event cards as well as the Dungeon cards.
And i'm really happy how they turned out.
i also received a message from the friendly generated email folk at printer studio who assure me ordering through the U.S website.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018


So first phase of my warhammer questy quest thing starts in photoshop. approaching a recreation of all of the cards.
i have wrapped up all of the base game event cards.
ive gone for a familiar but cleaner design to the originals. mimicking the design just with new graphics. i also wanted to give them new backs. again something fresher and high resolution.

the next part however i require assistance. so i'm putting out a call for help

LIGHT THE BEACONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the hell do i get cards printed in the UK?
i have no idea. everywhere i have looked points to a website called printerstudio

there is also a UK version of the website.. i follow the steps to create the cards and
its broken!!!!

404 Page not found (Unexpected Event)


The page you have requested cannot be found. Please try looking again or you could contact our friendly sales team for a direct repsonse!

so lets contact your friendly sales team via the link.....oh guess what? BROKEN ALSO!! (TRAP - take 1D6 wounds with no penalty from armour or toughness)

now printer studio appears to be the best i have found. but highly suspect i will be better of using something UK based than getting my cards created in america and shipped over.

so the call out for anyone uk or european based that may of printed custom cards or the likes...please please. someone throw me a lifeline?
it would be very much appreciated.

anyways here's a few close ups of some of the cards :)

Saturday, 24 March 2018


You may of seen some of my journey posts chronicling our adventures into Hammerhal.
you may well of also seen the odd picture of thier mini's as they have been getting painted.

well here is a better look at all of them

I decided that whilst i have been trying out different painting methods the last few months. i would simply trial how the paint guide within the box set fared. And whilst i was missing a couple of colours to do exactly the same. i was still able to find the odd replacement or mix up something similar.


My guy during our campaign. i never really liked these gold shiny dudes when they first came out..sigmarines right?? regardless he was fun to paint up. retributor armour paint is by far the best quality gold paint i have ever used. the pigmentation is so full and the paint still doesnt clog up.
rather than paint using the colours provided in the paint guide. i went with retributor armour. washed with reikland fleshade and then simply built up in layers using chainmail (some of my paints are old!!)
regardless he was fun to paint. 


he was a pain to glue together and that anime hair needed a few touch ups. this figure isnt one i would of ever thought of purchasing. but now i have him. its a pretty cool mini. i love that cloak and the blade leg. also he was bloody hard to take any 'sweet spot' style photo. so apologies for lack of face shot.


This guy i painted up first out of all of them, due to my youngest daughter having this guy as her character. i had to lie and say it was a girl so she would play...c'mon GW sort it!
regardless he came out really cool. and im glad how the paint job turned out.
I have never been a fan of elves. but painting this one made me start to look at other alternatives as well. so may well make a few purchases soon.


This guy in game is a total beast for ranged attack. that axe though, leaves a lot to be desired.
i'm not too keen on this sculpt. and due to his range. i was seemingly a little too far away when i primed him too! hence the graininess. but he came out well enough.

Ive actually painted all of the minis except 2 now in the hammerhal boxed set. So coming up soon will be the gryph hound and the chaos sorcerer. I also have to take some photos of the Putrid Blightkings who have also been painted up now. my next hammerhal journey post will add a few more too. and we are close to completing the campaign so will wrap everything up in a conclusion post. however based on the amount of posts ive put up about this game. that may well tell you how well it has gone down in this household.
Anyways enjoy. and have a nice weekend all :)

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

The Warhammer Quest........... Quest...

so with the recent HIT at the table in  Warhammer Quest Shadows over Hammerhal....we still want more Quest!!

the recent 3 white dwarf quests have given us a little more, and whilst we still haven't completed all of the available material..we aren't far off. we are yearning for a campaign, a way to grow our characters. whilst hammerhal offers a great experience. that experience is almost over. and we have no idea if games workshop have any plans to release a role-play book or any way to expand officially upon the new WHQ

so the answer is..........
Warhammer quest 1995. however in true 'me' fashion. I refuse to pay the over the odds prices for a game that i will just end up replacing a huge amount of the part anyway. But still i want it!!

so what do I do?
having read a few posts on this fab blog and seemingly being inspired to even steal the same blog post title!

i decide to make my own of course!!
so here's the plan.........

the box set contains the following

32 Page Rule Book  - have a copy
16 Page Adventure Book  - have a copy
192 Page Role-play Book  - have a copy
1 How to Play sheet  - need to find this

50 Page Adventure Record Pad - surely can just print this as and when?

89 Playing Cards - make my own and print via a card printing service. any recommendations?
19 Event Cards - make my own
23 Dungeon Cards - make my own
30 Treasure Cards - already made these

17 Blank Event Cards dont really need these. can add as per above when i see fit.
15 Spell Cards - make my own

4 Warrior Cards - make my own
4 Battle-level Cards - make my own
4 Equipment Cards - make my own
4 Warrior Counters - make my own

23 Floorplans & Pieces - make my own..already made 1 of them. but may well just print originals for now
6 Dungeon Rooms
5 Objective Rooms
7 Corridors
1 Steps
3 T-junctions
1 Corner

48 Markers & Counters - make my own
1 Portcullis Marker - already got zealot doors and portcullis don't think i need this??

1 Cave-in Marker - make my own
3 Pit of Despair Markers - make my own
6 Webbed Counters - make my own
15 Power Tokens - make my own
10 Luck Counters - make my own
18 Scenery Markers - what are these???

91 Citadel miniatures
4 Warrior models - proxy already have lots of suitable minis to choose from but may well stick with these guys
(Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf & Wizard)

6 Orc Warrior models - Proxy from GW orks/orruks or whatever they call them these days
6 Orc Archer models - Proxy same as above

6 Goblin Spearmen models - already have a massive box of goblins sprues. i can most likely throw these together with ease!
6 Night Goblin Archer models - already own from the base idea where they came from!

12 Skaven models - got hundreds of skaven already

3 Minotaur models - have a Minotaur I sculpted a while ago which i intend on casting up

12 Giant Spider models - Proxy. need to find some good options here. advice welcome

12 Giant Bat models - Proxy need to find some good options here. advice welcome

12 Giant Rat models - already have suitable proxies here

12 Snotling models - already have proxies here

10 Dungeon Doorways - got plenty of suitable doors here

18 Dice - just dice!!..grab from anywhere
6 Large Dice (white)
12 Small Dice (red)

so when i put out what i already have..I've actually got a bit of a head start already from my other dungeon ventures.
-the miniatures i'm not that far away from having all!
-the biggest task for me is the cards, tiles and token i believe.
-but I'm pretty handy with Photoshop and don't think there is anything here i couldn't create from scratch having already started this project with a tester of making the treasure deck. this was pretty easy to churn out. so the rest should be pretty easy.
the rest ill figure out as i'm going. after all what good is a quest if you know what is around the corner already? :)
if anyone has any handy advice that may assist me this would be greatly appreciated :)
like -

Am i mental?
most likely. but its gonna be a fun project regardless.

Will I be pissed when I've wrapped up the project and hate the game?
hope not. because ill have a few more expansions and things to add to what i already have.
so here's hoping...

onto the quest we go!

Small Dice (red)