
Saturday, 6 July 2019

12 snotlings and a new camera

well i posted these a while back but as part of my warhammer quest construction. these guys got counted out and a slight repaint. being a nice and easy to tick off the list.

i decided to mute the colours a bit from previously done and i feel they look much better for it.
along with this i decided to treat myself today to a brand new camera. my existing one was starting to develop damaged pixels and has served me well for the last 10 years or so that ive had it so it was time to get myself a slight upgrade along with it.
ive been toying around and so far have managed to get appealing enough pictures taken. but no doubt it will take a bit more practice to truly nail it down.

Along with this i decided to also give a run out of the dungeon tiles and doors that have been newly created, just laying out a mocked up dungeon here using exclusively tiles created by the fantastic sebastian stuart over at eastern empire. having a nice set up with varied colours and depths would be a good run out for the new camera.

This little guy i have a very fond connection with. he came in a blister pack of 18 bloodbowl snotlings for the grand old price of 1.99 and this was the first ever blister pack i had ever bought, i remember my mother saying how expensive they were (this was maybe 1988/89) and the only way i could convince her to buy me something was by the claim "but this one has 18 in it!!" it worked obviously and this seems to be the only critter that survived. and still going strong today having a good old dig up his nose 30 years later

I'm really happy how all of this is turning out. which is rare for me. and i hope you will agree with me...this aint a bad setup! :)

next up ill have some photos of my twist on the bretonnian questing knight to add to the collection and hopefully some progress on my spider prototyping.
