
Monday, 22 July 2013


As promised here are my next batch of replacement furniture


again this was created with a mixture of 1.5mm thick plasticard, and an array of loose sprue bits.
the books themselves were created using super sculpy that i roughly flattened out then after cooking. i immediately chopped it up before it fully cured. much cheaper that using green stuff anyways.
what i did differently with this one was that i flattened greenstuff over the wooden surface area and sculpted the wood grain this time instead of carving it into the plasticard like some of my previous attempts. again i wanted added details not just on the shelves but on the sides too. furniture is damn sparce in a dungeon right? so it would get used in a ramshackle sort of way.
so whats on here detail wise?
  • HQ rat on bottom shelf and books.
  • more books a decapitated and still undead zombie head a animal skull on middle shelf.
  • more books as some pots on top shelf.
  • 2 books (including chewbacca's autobiography on top shelf)
  • a coat rack on one side with a hooded cloak and quiver hanging from it
  • spider and web on other side.

see chewbacca's autobiography! :)

for the tables i wanted them to have all sorts of different things on them. it always bugged me that searching a room with an empty table would find something of value.
so i chose to have them themed. this one is kind of like a feasting table. i imagine some orcs were stoof around this getting their fill of junk they like to stuff down their over sized cake holes!

details on here?.....have a look. i guess its no fun if i keep telling you is it?

again the the theme of how i made the table should be forming like everything else. plasticard to make the table. greenstuff and spare sprue bits..oh and more spiders! gotta have spiders in dungeons right??

 more coming soon ! :)

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