
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

In The Spotlight - wargames bakery

every now and then i find the odd thing whilst scouring through blogs and various websites. here is something i found and right away just thought "genius idea!!"
now some people really go to town when basing their figs. me however im very much a fan of generic bases. maybe im just lazy, but i have a problem seeing items on bases and grasping the fact that 'that boulder is following him around'
so the long and short of it i like generic, but ill hold me hands up and be honest im also lazy on this front. quite simply i cant be arsed!
however someone has come up with a way to help those like myself to be able to create bases with ease!
web link

BASING PADS?? what the hell are they?
well basically it appears to be a 6 inch round base detailed as such based on various designs needed...stick some green stuff on your base press it into the basing pad antidy the edge. and you have neatly detailed bases.

Whist i appear to of missed out on their kickstarter. hopefully these will be available to purchase soon enough.

they have many many more too. i just chose a few that i liked. check them out. and when they are available...go buy 1..or 2 or 3 :)



  1. I wish they'd made a quattro stagione option for these. 1 disk, 4 quarters of different scenery. Cobblestones, wood planks, treasury floor stones, wasteland ground. I'd certainly buy that! Does give me an idea. I could make one large dungeon floor tile base, and create a mold from that myself with silicone caulk and corn starch. Awesome idea these!

    1. yeah they are a great idea. definately sparked my imagination. i hate making bases so thought if i made 1 base to rule them all i would never need to make another ever and go :)

  2. Thanks guys! Please jump onto our website to find out where these are currently available from!
    Thanks for the great shout out above!
    Dave N Sal Baker - WargamesBakery


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