
Monday, 11 November 2013

Nostalgia trip

now this post isnt about greenstuff lumped together or paint slapped onto a figure or even me slating those damn awful descent mini's (oops there i go again)
This is something a little more closer to my heart. bygone days and a trip down memory lane. on some of my memories as a rowdy kid and how i started playing heroquest way way back! 1989 right? holy shit! only seems like yesterday that I saw this advert.
i  think at the time i was like 10 or 11. but this game has pretty much been played to death by me, friends, family and now share with my own children. but i remember seeing that advert so well. i was like "oh wow awesome!!" begging my mom in a a whiny little brat way "please please please... i need it i need it!" haha.
anyway i was a good boy and i got it eventually. opening the box was like..whooooohoooo so much goodness inside. this got played and played over and over. over the next few years it evolved a little as i grew more into the hobby.
firstly we had a den that this got played in. My best friend lived like 50 yards away. had a huge garden. so we built our own shed down the bottom of his garden.wooden panels, old doors, tin roof, fitted with carpets and a small sofa and some milk crates for chairs and table. it was comfortable enough to live in. and that we did in all of our spare time we would huddle around the board. light a few candles and play what felt like everyday. we had added new heroes. some got painted rather awfully with enamel paints. and as the other expansions unfolded. they too got played over and over and over. this probably went on for about 3 or 4 years.
i remember running an extension cable from his house down to our den just so we could play street fighter 2 for what felt like the entire summer holiday. but still we always found time for a bit of heroquest. and i guess everyone that has played heroquest has similar fond memories like this. but overtime. we get older. we accidentally burnt our den down when we were teenagers during an experiment with a full aerosol can and a open fire lol. and shortly after my best friend moved away. heroquest never got played the same again. and was pretty much lost somewhere in my house for years as i spent most of my time being a teenager, getting drunk on cheap cider and seeing what sorts of mischief we could get upto, then hitting my early adulthood was spent doing pretty much the same. partying, getting drunk blah blah. when i met my wife we settled down a little and after a rainy day i remember finding heroquest. to which i said...'wanna play this? its not been touched for years'... this was like a jumanji moment. like finding an old chest. the hero sheets still having the same writing on from me and my buddies from years before the same shitty fimir covered in enamel paints. we would play the game together quite often. and then my eldest daughter came along. who even now loves playing games with me. heroquest hasn't hit the table for a while due to me undertaking my whole custom project. but has been a backbone of my life, leading into my family life. and i just hope my newest baby will love being entertained by goblins and scythe weilding farmer skeletons as much as my friends long gone. my family and me :)

thanks for reading


  1. I wish I had this game as a kid. Nice read man! My kid wil certainly grow up with HQ.

    1. hehe you are already embroiling your child into a life of unfinished projects then? hehe nah was a great game and have many fond memories! :)


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