
Sunday, 5 April 2015

Let the Chittering Commence

So. ive been working on a LOT of material for Advanced HeroQuest as of late. working with Slev on his AHQ:Reforged rules changes.
if you like AHQ. i suggest you check these out

as a result ive made a lot of graphical stuff to assist. (bestiary graphics, spellbooks etc)
now of course with a fleshed out bestiary. you need a fleshed out collection of models too. and whilst some may of complained that AHQ lacked figures and was created as a way to get people to go and buy more models (which is a totally just complaint) some of us feel compelled to go the whole hog and actually buy them. so you cant play AHQ and not have skaven.
so ive made a start finally.
about 2 years back i managed to grab the entire skaven collection from Island of blood for a very cheap price to get me started. unfortunately i never got any further than painting the rat ogres (which are awesome models)
ive since bought a clanrat pack also so i can have some skaven without shields (as all the skaven in IOB have shields already on them.

so without further ado. the first 2 rat men that are no doubt going to get slaughtered at some point! lol

now ive never really painted skaven before. so skaven slaves seemed like the perfect opportunity to mix and match ideas and test out what works and what doesnt. if as a result they all look different. then nothing is lost. as they arent exactly a regiment are they. they arent supposed to look like a team. so usung these as my lab rats seemed like the way to go.....yes that joke was deliberate :)
so the slave above i tested out with a ratskin base colour built up with cadian flesh tone to reikland flesh for the pointy bits. also if knowledge serves me correctly skavens worth is measured in the tone of their fur. so i thought this would give me the opportunity to also toy with fur colours and would also help distance me from the uniformed look

this next one was done in exactly the same way as above but with a bugmans flesh base. built up with cadian fleshtone and reikland flesh.
now one thing is certain. after painting these. i gave them a coat of army painter anti-shine...why do you ask? out of habit. and as a result. this made the models shinier than they ever were!!!
but i like to protect my models. so im a little lost in terms of how i protect my models from now on..less spraying and more wrapping in cotton wool i think!!
about to get their asses handed to them by a halfling farmer.

so there we have first 2 skaven out of about 80 that ive got to paint. i'll most certainly keep you all upto date as i work my way through them. ive got a total of 11 slaves to do. then its onto clanrats. these will look much more uniform. but hopefully will be a much quicker path too. hopefully laid by my experiences with these slaves.

they were fun to paint and will be a nice distraction for me to partake over the coming weeks.

enjoy :)


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