
Monday, 30 November 2015

next batch of dungeon doors

so whilst ive already shown my first testers and then a handful of doors. all of which i made the intention and commitment of making every single one unique......WHYYYYYYYYYYY?
lol honestly im fairly certain i am not the only one within this crazy little hobby world that simply just makes too much work for themselves.
i see the oldhammer sights floating around showing freshly painted 30 year old miniature. and im fairly certain its not the nostalgia, but moreso the fact that its been sitting in the painting queue that long. look at that minotaur lord i posted a few months back. thats been sitting waiting to be painted since about 1991 lol

so whilst ive progressed a little with my doors ive also hit a bit of a brick wall. because again whilst i made them all unique. it feels like im paiting units again. so the below  6 are the next off the the list. totting up 14 doors so far and needing to complete a further 8 and then im done.
 i made some simple press molds from those goblin spider bases GW kicked out. they make some nice little touches to all of the dungeon furniture ive done so far. if you ask me its the little details that make all the difference.
and ive tried to show that in all of the doors. another skaven themed door here making fairly good use of that cute little rat that sits ontop of the clanrats standard bearer.
 another delve into the bits box and i was able to do a sort of chaos themed door. not sure where the main skull comes from as i couldnt find it on any chaos standard bearer by GW. but nonetheless it helps as a centre piece to a pretty cool looking door i think.
 another skaven one here. either i was running out of bits or i was running out of ideas on this one. not even the sculpted little smudge of a rat makes this one stand out much. but its unique. and that was the quest.
 the plan here was for some other sort of chaos based door. nice and simple. and i even tried out a new paint i had bought for the blood..but then sealed the model with some spray and lost the wet blood shine of it lol. didnt turn out too bad though.
another simple door. making use of my press moulds some skull thing from my bits box and some mushrooms i had made. again. another different looking one. so alls good.
you may notice a lot of these doors have dwarven runes on them. like everything i make. i like to add character and details that might go unnoticed. im sure im not the only one that makes up an origin to a character when painting them up. so i like to do the same whenever i create custom stuff. back stories help with ideas for those subtle little details. and the whole point of the dwarven runes are quite simple. the dungeons were once dwarven strongholds, mines or whatever. and have since been overrun by the beasties of the old world. each of the runes are correct from the dwarf WFB book and all have a meaning. so i guess its a nice little touch to add.

so ive got 8 more to do. but think im going to sit on those for a while and work on some other stuff until i can find the inspiration to dive back in and finish these doors off.
ive been working on quite a few other things recently and hope to have plenty more to show soon enough.



  1. Lots of character in those doors (and the previous ones)! I especially like the ones with warp stones and dwarven runes. What game are you intending to play with these? (Or is it just for a diorama?)

    1. thanks a lot. character is what i always gun for. little details and cool little tidbits
      these are for a rehashed version of advanced heroquest. single space doors were one of the main tactical flaws of that game. so double doors it is..all the way!!


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