
Sunday, 28 February 2016

The Dark Beneath the World (part 4) project completed!!

OK so for anyone that follows my blogs you may of seen my rather bold attempt and journey for creating 1 simple troll character from a article posted in white dwarf many moons ago. this article was taken from a gotrek and felix short story.

if not please take a look at the previous parts


i kind of enjoy posting up my journeys of creation. i think a good portion of the fun is delving into the various influences and direction. kind of like an adventure in itself.

well if youve read parts 1, 2 and 3 then youll know all i needed to do next was paint that SOB
Which i did!

of course i have to provide the obligatory action shot. (Trollslayer very clearly wanting first cut!)
A few things to point out on this. whilst again i decided to go above and beyond to fit my very fickle needs for characters to be as specific as possible. i really had no idea how i was going to paint this guy up.
originally i wanted to go proper crazy with the colour scheme. which i did try. but it just wasnt rocking the multiple weird colour look that i would associate with chaos. so i ended up sticking to what i know. so i kept it dirty and earthy in tones.
A first for me on this figure was that i actually made use of a wet palette for the very first time. and boy i should of done this years ago. i seem to save so much paint as a result of it staying wet, my wet palette is sealable, and my paint mixes stay wet for about 2 days. as well as allowing me to mix the paint to a better consistancy. i cant believe i didnt do this a long long time ago. but all in all very glad i finally took the bounce.
Another first. is that i finally bought myself some good brushes. as well as stocking up on a new set of GW brushes. i also bought myself a size 1 and 0 winsor & newton series 7. and again..jeez why didnt i do this earlier? far far superior brushes and im hoping this will start to assist with my painting as i move forwards
 I chose to go with classic troll colours overall. but with a grey/brown skin tone. due to the size of the miniature (this is definately no miniature) it made it hard to paint. so i chose for simple washes on the fleshy areas with the odd blemish to break up the boil covered areas, whilst going for a harsher sharper edge on the hide.
 kind of happy how the spine infused with warpstone turned out. i really wanted it to look like to root of the trolls deformities. the thick heavy pustules surrounding the warpstone kind of help give that impression. the claw itself was the last part of this model that got painted. and in fairly sure you can see i didnt give as much love to that.
 Another first i attempted on this mini was the use of UHU glue for saliva dribbling from his mouth.
it didnt really turn out great. and its hard to see in the shots. but it also seemed to be removing the paint. so i kept it very minimal around that area. because i wanted after finishing the paint job. was for it to be ruined by the final touches.
 the baby head mutation turned out pretty decent. from the sculpt itself, it was looking too human. but once i stated applying the paint. it became evident that thick heavy veins streaming into the facial area would give it a nasty chaos esq look. whilst the head itself looks totally out of place. i guess that sums up all that is chaos. and really wished i had the balls to of gone all out on this figure in that same approach
 one final thing that i feel is missing. would be to add some glossy varnish to the boils just to give that wet vile look..but i dont have any. so this will have to do until i can get my hands on any.

so a project that started about a year ago finally gets finished.
im happy how it turned out as a figure. however i do wish i had of been a little more daring.
this has opened my eyes to more chaotic goodness. and im already cooking up a few ideas going forwards. so hopefully this is the beginning if a new direction for me.

whats next for me? gotta finsih them doors off. and my pile of unpainted minis has piled up quite a bit since i started plying all my spare time into this project. so it looks like ill be keeping things simple for the next few months. a bit of unit painting with a few characters thrown in.

anyways. hope you all like. and hope you enjoyed my journey.


  1. Great model and conversion, inspiring stuff.

    1. thanks very much. whilst it didnt turn out exactly 100% how i envisioned. im still happy and take it as a learning experience. if others take the same from it, and in turn go off and create. then that only makes me more happy :)

  2. A thing of grotesque, Old World beauty!


    1. thanks. yeh he took a long time to finish. but he looks pretty cool. glad you like it :)


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