
Saturday, 3 February 2018


utilising the same method as previous for painting up this guy i decided to give the same methods a whirl on a model that has been sitting in my pile for a while.

when i tend to buy all my paint via mail order i normally chuck a random miniature in there for good measure...of course I've been painting up Skaven for a while now. so seems perfect I drop a character into the mix. not much to add to this but i wanted to try the whole thin washes approach again. going for a grimy approach to this character as it clearly fits the theme. and also helping to me grow with this painting style.

this model itself must be a cast off from the finecast days because the detailing on it is just crazy, making it very paintable indeed. however I'm trialling new techniques. so fully expect a little hit and miss.

first up the obligatory cinematic shot!

now these finecast models are so detailed it actually makes them hard to paint in a certain sense. there are little details i just couldn't see with the human eye and it wasn't until i actually took these pictures that the cracks started to show. but again. trial and error right?

also another thing i've come to realise...i am due a new camera. this one has served me well over the last few years but I'm starting to notice the odd pixel is damaged here or there and the photos dont seem to come out as crisp as they used perfect excuse for me to start looking for a new one.

so this new way of painting. seems to be quick...much quicker. i still need to work on my accuracy on this front as i can see some of the very deep recesses haven't had much paint hit them. but this model took me about 3 hours to paint..and its a character model that I've also applied a lot of freehand to. so hoping to put this into practice soon enough to help me get around me unit painting woes!

anyways hope you like the new cinematic photo too as i did a little more on that one as opposed to normal.
oh and a nice shiny new banner too! :)


  1. Great atmospheric picture depicting the assault of Clan Pestilens. Lord Skrolk is a gorgeous miniature, you've done a lovely grubby paint job, especially like that cursed Tome of the Horned Rat - excellent!

    Did you manage to get Arch Plague Lord Nurglitch sat on the bloated poxrat while it was available?

    1. hey, yeh skrolk is a true classic mini indeed, hopefully i did him some justice!
      i never got plague lord nurglitch no...if im honest not many of the older designed skaven really cut it for me. i muct prefer the newer designs.......which might not go down too well with the oldhammerers of the worlds haha

  2. My Skaven are a mish mash from all over including some original Citadel Journal Skaven from 1986, some Mordheim era, to the Island of Blood, and Silver Tower. Theres also a sneaky imposter in my collection, a Heartbreaker mini now available from Ral Partha Europe, a very characterful Tim Prow sculpt 'ratman leader' with an eye-patch, brace of daggers, and pistol, so cool.

    Do you have any favourite Skaven models/kits?

    1. hmmm i have to say i like a lot of what came from the Island of blood box. i would probably say that the rat ogres in that box are my fave skaven, but also notable mentions going out to skrolk, one of the skaven warlords 'spinetail' and the original Thanqoul too.
      ive kind of moved away from metal minis moreso these last few years as the weight of them tends to lend to chipping and such due to me not having ideal storage, spinetail being a particularly trick mini that i have knocked over more than once taking his sword hand off...stripping down and starting again......still havent finished him. lol


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