
Sunday, 29 April 2018



i am achingly labouring through making many many cards for my warhammer quest recreation.
having sent my first trial prints last night for a full set of 54 treasure cards that include the treasure from the base game and the 2 expansions as well as a few thrown in from the white dwarf articles.
it turns out the template i downloaded from the website was an absolute load of pants so i had to create my own template and redo every single card so that they utilised the card sizes better.
users of printer studio beware this nonsense!
but heres hoping that the cards turn out good at least :)

anyways i made 6 goblins with spears as well....well sort of.

I originally wanted to use the myriad of night goblins i have sitting in a box for the gobbos with spears. but upon realising many more night goblins are introduced in the expansion Lair of the Orc Lord, i decided it was best i steered clear. which is ashame becuase those night goblins from the batle for skull pass are pretty cool gobbos, anyways i remember i had made some gnoblar mashups a few years back that never really got any use at all! and in turn seems a massive waste to of done most of them and never had a use for them. LINK

so all they needed was spears! i raided my bitz box and there was nothing to be found that fitted. I then remember i had a goblins regiment box sitting under the stairs. of which many of the bitz on them will never get used. they are pretty awful to say the least. oversized heads huge muscular arms. massive hands...not great...other than the bodies which were used here.
but those spears set a light off. 'Kaching!'


and all i had to do was clip the old hands off pin the spears in place and sculpt a new hand around them. and also repaint the bases.

oh and make 1 more goblin as i only had 5 originally
say hello to Burt!

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