
Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Warhammer Quest double whimper!

So, what a weird year its been so far huh?
some might want to just scrub this year off and pretend it never even happened.
and at the beginning of this whole isolation thing i assumed i would be bored rotten and be diving headlong into anything hobby related to occupy my time, however the complete opposite happened. and whilst we did delve into playing a few games here and there, the entire last 4 months have been spent what i will value as quality time with my entire family.
however i did manage to revisit my warhammer quest project, and tick two of the monster types off my list.
so ill take all of the above for certain.
First up i was able to strike off 12 giant bats.
unfortunately all the numbers for warhammer quest go upto 12, yet most units you are able to purchase only have 10. so i had to cast up 2 duplicates, i also had to repin these to the bases due to the incredibly flexible pikes things that they are stuck on.

these are only little critters, but was nice to get them ticked off the list.

and then i was able to move onto 6 goblin archers
 i was really happy how these turned out, as i had attempted a newer variation of my greenskins tone as i wanted to add a little more vibrance to the skintones on these guys due to the relative darkness of the robes.
so from this point monster wise all i have to do now are

3 minotaurs
6 orcs
6 orc archers

and i will almost be ready to play our first ever dungeon run through. i am currently fighting back the urge to play with an unpainted set...the temptation is high. but once i have based my minotaurs...we could essentially just play. which is kinda exciting given all of the effort that has gone into this so far.

anyways hope you are all keeping safe,


  1. Really good painting !!! I am also painting monsters from level 1 dungeons. 88 more are waiting for the paint. But 93 are behind me :D

  2. thanks dude, nice little blog you got yourself too. yeh i am sticking to my guns on just doing the boxed set right at this moment. i wish to make my own monster tables. i really dont like the idea of catching everything. so i want to have something a bit more tailored to suit my already massive collection based around greenskins, chaos, undead and skaven. but also at same time i am trying not to become too overwhelmed by all of the material that is floating around. so keeping focus. i havent actually ever played the game. so i dont even know if ill like it haha

  3. Welcome back, good to find an update, and a cracking one at that. I've seen those bats so many times before, maybe its those slender pins.. but now I'm sold on them - nice job. I like your red nosed goblins, have they been drinking stolen dwarven ale? hehe boozy goblins.

    15 miniatures to go?! You can do it! I'm sure you'll love WHQ, its lethal, challenging and fun. As ever, look forward to your next update. Good luck.

    1. Thanks Ellese, yeh i figured i would go for something slightly different. red noses are a little cartoony. but hey. it adds extra variation. and they are light weights. so only half a pint of ale!!
      yup ive got my orcs all ready to paint.. minotaurs i am still caught in 2 minds what i want in place as from the 5 minotaurs i actually have. they are mostly huge beasts that really fit more in the minotaur champion or lord realm. so ill keep hunting ebay till something pops up that fits the bill.

  4. Great work on these figures, they look fantastic! Lavish detail on those Night Goblins. I really like the bases too. I'm a big fan of the original Warhammer Quest, & am enjoying following your project. I have a slow-burn WQ collection of my own: a Lustria-themed dungeon, focused on Lizardmen & 'New World' creatures; but possibly expanding into Skaven (Clan Spittl) eventually.

    1. thanks very much. slowly but surely i am getting there. i have checked out your lustria stuff a few times. looking great and a very bold step to creating a more 'exotic' quest.

  5. Hello ampersand! I found your work on yeoldeinn and I really love what you are doing! I was wondering if you could let me know how you painted your zealot doors, what colors and techniques you used, I really really like how they came out. I just finished building my hirstarts HQ board and I made a order for the doors! I am weltenlaeufer in the forums. :) Would be awesome if you could point me in the right direction on how to make the best out of the doors. All the best, Oliver :)

    1. jeez. i honestly dont remember too well.
      brick work generally came along with 3 washes over a regular medium toned grey. so have a pot of each - agrax earthshade - athonian camoshade - seraphim sepia. over the gray id use a heavily watered brush so that the 3 colours would run into the crevises and mix up a little bit. i think after that i gave a light dry brush of ushabti bone building upto a lighter colour. only keeping this very subtle.

      as for the woods. i used various techniques. i'm never happy when painting wood. so the whole process was very slap dash as i experimented with different formulas.

      but hope this helps some


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