

here is my checklist to help me guide myself through the recreation of Warhammer Quest.


32 Page Rule book DONE
16 page Adventure book DONE
192 page roleplay book - DONE
How to play sheet - DONE

Playing Cards
89 cards in total
19 event cards - DONE
23 Dungeon cards - DONE
30 Treasure cards - DONE
15 Spell cards - DONE - awaiting print
4 Warrior cards - not yet created.Going to use character sheets
4 Battle level Cards - not going to bother
4 Equipment cards- not going to bother. can utilise character sheets
Hero Tokens - using colour coded dice instead of tokens, as i feel this matches better for the player to also have their own set of dice

23 floorplans
Corridor ​Corner
Corridor Passageway A x4
Corridor Passageway B x3
Corridor T-Junction x3
Corridor Stairway
Dungeon Room - Circle of Power
Dungeon Room - Dungeon Cell
Dungeon Room - Guard Room
Dungeon Room - Monsters Lair
Dungeon Room - Torture Chamber
Dungeon Room - Well of Doom
Objective Room - Fighting Pit
Objective Room - Firechasm
Objective Room - Fountain of Light
Objective Room - Idol Chamber
Objective Room - Tomb Chamber

48 Markers and counters
1 Portcullis marker - DONE
1 Cave-in Marker - awaiting print
3 Pit of despair markers - awaiting print
6 webbed counters - created my own awaiting print.
15 power tokens - created my own awaiting print.
10 Luck tokens - created my own awaiting print.

Scenery markers
Dead Skeleton 1
Dead Skeleton 2
Metal Hatch with Chaos Symbol on
Wooden Door Hatch
Wooden Door Hatch
Weapons Rack
Pit trap spikes
Pit trap spikes
Closed Chest
Closed Chest
Coffin with green smoke coming out
Coffin with green smoke coming out
Open Chest with coins spilling out
Well with rope coming out
Green Slime

Miniatures (91)
4 warrior models - classic Barbarian, Dwarf, Elf, Wizard combo. have lots to choose from but will go with these guys to start me off before i decide to kitbash anything more fitting.
6 Orc Warriors - Proxy - need painting
6 Orc Archers - Proxy - need painting
6 Goblin Spearmen - DONE

6 Goblin Archers - DONE

12 skaven - DONE

3 Minotaurs - Proxy - I resculpted an old GW minotaur many moons ago which i would like to cast up and utilise for these as they arent too big but still menacing enough.
12 Giant Spiders - DONE

12 Giant Bats - DONE

12 Giant Rats - DONE

12 Snotlings - DONE

10 Dungeon Doorways - DONE


Catacombs Of Terror - Adventure Book

Playing Cards
4 Dungeon cards = Done
18 Event cards = Done
12 Treasure cards = DONE
3 Special cards

1 Objective Room (The Dread King's Throne Room)
1 Dungeon Room (The Hall of Death)
1 Corridor (Chasm of Despair)
1 Corner (Flames of Khazla)

Markers and counters
6 Catacombs counters - what are these?

Dread King on his throne
Luthor the Hunchback
Gunther Laranscheld
3 Tomb Guardians
The Grimoire Necris
2 plastic Doorways


Lair of the Orc Lord - Adventure Book

Playing Cards
3 Dungeon cards = DONE
21 event cards = DONE
8 Treasure cards = DONE
4 special cards

Objective room (gorgut's Lair) - DONE
Dungeon room (Shamans Den) - DONE
Corridor (Collapsed passage) - DONE

Markers and counters
1 Fallen Block counter - DONE
3 netted counters - DONE
2 Pit of Despair counters - DONE


Orc Lord (Gorgut)
Orc Shaman (Skabnoze)
3 Orc Big'Uns
Goblin Jester (Gubbinz)
Snotling (Bogoff)
Squid Hound (Growler)


54 treasure cards

54 treasure cards

54 treasure cards

White Dwarf addons

White Dwarf number 185
Special room (The Gaol)
1 Dungeon Card = DONE
Dungeon Gaol Key card.

White Dwarf number 187
4 Treasure cards - Done

White Dwarf number 189
2 Treasure cards = DONE
Treasure map card

White Dwarf number 190
8 Dark Secret cards

White Dwarf number 191
2 Treasure cards - Done

White Dwarf number 192
Special room - Into the Dark
1 Dungeon Card =DONE

White Dwarf number 193
4 Event Cards = DONE

White Dwarf number 195
Objective room (Quirriks laboratory)
dungeon card = DONE
3 Event Cards = DONE

White Dwarf number 197
4 Event Cards = DONE

White Dwarf number 201
1 Event Card = DONE

White Dwarf number 204
Special room - Sewer
Dungeon Card = DONE
1 Event Card = DONE


  1. Impressive, really! I'm trying to build my own set now, too. Any chance you'd share your cleaned-up cards? I'm using scans so far but the quality isn't impressive at all.

  2. thanks very much, these are not cleaned up card, i created everyone afresh. unfortunately i do not think it would be wise to go sharing these based on GW's history of hunting people down that share their content...regardless of me remaking them all from scratch, i'd rather avoid a shutdown

  3. Amazing work.
    Would you share one of your cards templates or are these also gw ip ?
    I want to build and print fan made dungeons cards that look good and would like to find suitable blank templates

    1. i may release them as templates in the near future


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