
Thursday, 4 April 2013

HeroQuest - Chaos Warriors

most people always say HQ models are awful. I've heard the phrase "mono-pose" "old crappy models" blah blah. but for me this game is where it all started. I know I don't speak for myself either. I feel sorry for anyone that started with anything later than this because for me this was games workshops golden era, adverts on TV?? when have you seen a GW advert on TV? never right?
but say what you want about the figures in Heroquest. because for me this was when the sculpts were crammed full of character! these days its all about levels of detail and how well cast something is. I never cared about that when I was 12. I just wanted cool looking figures. 20 odd years later. after originally painting these with enamel paints (urghh cmon didn't we all think that was the right paint at first?)
I repainted them!
ok these aren't crammed full of character like I mentioned previously. but still they have character! for me and for many this is what a chaos warrior should look like. kind of like if you ask someone to draw something or describe something, they always describe in a stereotypical manner.
these are your stereotypical chaos warriors. and the fact that they set such a bench mark must say something for the design and the quality of them right?
They possess charm which is something I see a lot less these days, even if technically and detail wise todays counterparts are more superior I guess ill always hold a strong nostalgic bond to my roots with this hobby. and Heroquest on a whole, are my roots!

anyways the 2 on the left I painted using the dip method using "army painter deep tone" which I will soon be doing a little review and a step by step of to give my thought and hopefully give others some insight on it as a product. the 2 on the right I painted in a bold cartoony sort of look.
none of them are ground breaking. but they are no longer covered in enamel paint.and are colourful and bold on the game board......that's all you need right?

also the purple one I converted at about the age of 12 and glued lots of spike on him...why I don't know, but I thought it looked cool. so I kept them on there.:)

that's it for now. will hopefully run through some more over the next few days


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