
Thursday, 4 April 2013

Heroquest Mummies


er whatever!

OK here's 6 of my HQ mummies. I originally painted these up very simply,
using bleached bone and then washing over with my own magic "dirt mix" ill explain this later on is anyone is concerned if I actually throw dirt onto a model!
I highlighted again with bleached bone. and then painted the skin up with a mixture of green and a flesh colour with a few highlights. I then gave it the army painter dip. and this really set these models off. giving them a dark shaded murky look. my previous wash also adding a nice element of depth to the bandage colour as if left in a dark damp place for years.

they are simple and basic. but fit the mould perfectly for a dungeon lurking bandage wrapped badass....not sure how these ever actually caught people.. but hey. that's the charm and magic!

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