
Saturday, 21 September 2013

Heroquest Fireplace

So after my previous step by step, this has been sitting around for a few days mainly due to a certain city called Los Santos. Anyway I had a few spare hours and thought that I would finally get this finished up.

ill note this is the first time ive ever attempted freehand. what you think?

well its taken a few weeks to complete. but its done now. and i must say I'm very happy with how this one turned out. I'm not comfortable with freehand. but for my first attempt I don't think it turned out bad at all.
I had a lot of tasks to tackle to create this model that I had never attempted before. so for coming out the other side of those tasks with a model I'm happy with only adds even more so to how happy I am with this one.
only got 2 left to go now to complete the full set but i think the toughest is now completed.
hope you enjoy because I'm off to get in lost Los Santos....I may be gone a few weeks. :)


  1. Hello, this is Maike05 from YeOldeInn !
    Your fireplace looks really amazing ! It's even better than the one from Damien Thevenin I think !

    Please continue to update your blog, I love it.


  2. hehe thanks dude. much appreciated. i am taking a little time out at the moment to work on a few other things as well as getting totally wrapped up in GTA 5. ill be back soon with more goodies :)

  3. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. This is an inspiration.

    1. thanks for the comment. i always hope that posting my stuff up spurs others onto similar or greater :)
      ive got another one nearly finished. just waiting for the final licks of paint. and its looking good so far. will post up once its done of course :)


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