
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

In the spotlight! - Mierce miniatures

now from time to time I drift away onto other projects, get lost in the world of working too hard and balancing family life. and in those times I don't get chance to post much let alone be creating too much either. So in those times of limbo i've decided to do the odd post to show anything super cool i've found. so for my first spotlight post. ive decided to focus on Mierce miniatures. im a big fan of independent sculpt houses. the like of hasslefree miniatures as well as a cult fave of mine in heresy miniatures. I also love to support those too because quite frankly they create some great mini's. if you've never heard of Mierce miniatures, then they are a UK based company who specialise in fantasy ranges of figures.

check them out HERE

now what caught my eyes was this recent kickstarter of theirs

Gamla Bror, Vókkinak, Vaak!

of which one of the most amazing looking dragons i have ever seen really stole my attention.
unfortunately i'd missed the kickstarter date!! boooo!!

but check out a few of these.

some great stuff right? and great stuff comes at a price. now as much as i love these. and that dragon for me is a must have. they arent the cheapest. some of the standard human sized figures come in at arouns £9 to £11 which is about the same price range as games workshops single figures.
so if your happy paying that. then go support and stock up on some dungeon denizens! :)
but you cant deny these are of great quality.


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